Planning Services

Project Planning Services

Mind map, then create integrated master plans resulting in executable master schedules.

Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall Methodology cascades each task into the next with what is referred to as a finish-to-start relationship. When one task ends, the next task begins. The Waterfall methodology is a good option if you have a well defined project where the customer is not going to change the scope. Waterfall is useful for managing labor and material contracts. For example, creating a visibility task to track material. Another example is creating a gate to check readiness before the next engineering objective begins.

Rolling Wave Methodology

Rolling Wave Methodology is a good schedule to manage when you are developing a new product where the project will continue for two or more years, or, when the project is dynamic by each subsequent phase of work being dependent on the outcome of the preceding wave. You detail plan the first wave, then during execution of the schedule, you detail plan the next wave, and so f0rth.

Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology is similar to Rolling Wave with the practice of breaking work into sprints. Each sprint is a two-week development cycle. If you were developing software for example, you would have multiple iterations to complete tasks, referred to as stories. Agile works well with software development projects. Another good fit is projects where the customer is likely to add and/or change scope.

The Process We Follow To Create a Master Schedule

Integrated Master Plan

1: Develop the IMP

The Integrated Master Plan (IMP) is composed of a group of hierarchy program events, in which each program event is supported by Accomplishment, and Criteria to satisfy a specific program goal.

Work Breakdown Structure

2: Develop the WBS

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a tool used to define a project in discrete work elements in a Hierarchical format. It displays and defines the product to be developed/produced. It’s used for planning, cost estimating, execution, and control.

Calendar and Resources

3: Define the Calendar and Resouces

We ensure the proper work time calendar has been used, and that it matches the company calendar. IE: Holidays, working days, etc. In addition, the detailed tasks represent the individual pieces of work effort that consume resources and are completed in support of each of the specific criteria.

Once your tasks are defined, we will enter your data into Project, OpenPlan, or Primavera based on your requirements.

Learn More

The Importance of a Project Schedule in Project Management.

Have you ever tried to build a skyscraper without a blueprint? That's what managing a project without a schedule is like. In the world of business, where time equals money, can you afford to waste either without a project schedule?

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